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Tip /


Live templates

For instance, how to write a "foreach" loop efficiently:


Thanks to Kim^J on IRC :)

Let's say you want to write "wl<Tab>" and you want Rider to expand it to "WriteLine(I);", where I indicates the position of the cursor. How to do it?

  • go to Settings | Live Templates
  • Create a C# template group. Click on the green "+" button and select Template Group… Call the group "C#".
  • Under the C# group create a new entry. Click on the "+" again and select Live Template.
    • Abbreviation: wl
    • Description: WriteLine();
    • Template text: WriteLine($END$);
    • At the bottom you have a warning: No applicable contexts. Click Define, select Other.
  • Save

Now you can type "wl<Tab>" and it'll be expanded.


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Page last modified on 2018 April 05, 23:04