Oktatás * Programozás 1 * Szkriptnyelvek Teaching * Programming 1 (BI) Training * ITS Python Félévek * 2024/25/2 Linkek * kalendárium |
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Prog1Py2025febr2024/25/2 (February 2025) TODO…
Labs (by El Ayari Mehrez):
NewsDates are in "yyyy.mm.dd." format.
About the CourseWe will get acquainted with the Python programming language (Python 3). The pre-requisite of the course is the "Introduction to Programming", so I suppose everyone is familiar with some basic concepts (variable, types, function, etc.). In the lab we will use Windows. All we need is a text editor (e.g. Notepad++, VS Code). It's up to you which one you use. In your text editor you should set that TAB is automatically changed to 4 spaces. The lecture is 50% theory, 50% practice. So bring your laptop to the lecture! Topics of the Lectures / Slides1) 2024.02.19. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: prog1-01.pdf
Course MarkTODO… Classroom TestsTODO… Bibliography
![]() Blogjaim, hobbi projektjeim * The Ubuntu Incident [ edit ] |