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How to change the keyboard layout



"Instructions for Windows XP

   1. Click Start and then Control Panel
   2. In Control Panel, if you are in Category View, click on Switch to Classic View (top left corner)
   3. Open Regional and Language Options.
   4. Click on the Languages tab.
   5. Under Text services and input languages, click on the Details button.
   6. Under Installed services, click Add.
   7. In the Add Input Language dialog box, choose the input language and keyboard layout or 
      Input Method Editor (IME) you want to add.
   8. Click OK twice. You should now see a language indicator in the System Tray 
      (located at bottom right hand corner of the desktop by default). You can switch between 
      different input languages (= keyboard languages) by pressing the Alt + Shift keys

If a language does not appear in the Input language list, 
the fonts for that language might not be installed. 
If that is the case, follow the instructions below."
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