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Software -- The CORON Toolkit

All the algorithms presented in my thesis ⚠ {[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary06t_en]} are implemented in a unified software platform called (:coron:) ⚠ {[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary05b]}. (:coron:) is a domain and platform independent, multi-purposed data mining toolkit, which incorporates not only a rich collection of data mining algorithms, but also allows a number of auxiliary operations. To the best of our knowledge, a data mining toolkit designed specifically for itemset extraction and association rule generation like (:coron:) does not exist elsewhere. (:coron:) also provides support for preparing and filtering data, and for interpreting the extracted units of knowledge.



  • Laszlo SZATHMARY (⚠ [[hidden-email:Fmnguznel.Y@tznvy.pbz]])
  • Amedeo NAPOLI (⚠ [[hidden-email:ancbyv@ybevn.se]])

Project Home Page

For more information, please visit the (:coron:) home page at http://coron.loria.fr.

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Page last modified on 2008 March 21, 21:30