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PhD Thesis Overview

  • Title: Symbolic Data Mining Methods with the Coron Platform ⚠ {[biblio_own_en.bib,szathmary06t_en]}
  • Date of thesis defense: November 24, 2006
  • Location: University Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, laboratory of LORIA - INRIA Lorraine, France
  • Note: the thesis is written in English and it includes an extended abstract in French

Thesis Abstract

The main topic of this thesis is knowledge discovery in databases ((:kdd:)). More precisely, we have investigated two of the most important tasks of (:kdd:) today, namely itemset extraction and association rule generation. Throughout our work we have borne in mind that our goal is to find interesting association rules from various points of view: for efficient mining purposes, for minimizing the set of extracted rules and for finding intelligible (and easily interpretable) knowledge units. We have developed and adapted specific algorithms in order to achieve this goal.

The main contributions of this thesis are: (1) We have developed and adapted algorithms for finding minimal non-redundant association rules; (2) We have defined a new basis for association rules called Closed Rules; (3) We have investigated an important but relatively unexplored field of namely the extraction of rare itemsets and rare association rules; (4) We have packaged our algorithms and a collection of other algorithms along with other auxiliary operations for (:kdd:) into a unified software toolkit called (:coron:).

Keywords: knowledge discovery in databases ((:kdd:)), data mining, itemset extraction, association rule generation, rare item problem.

Software -- The CORON Toolkit

I have implemented all the algorithms presented in my thesis in a unified software platform called (:coron:). (:coron:) is a domain and platform independent, multi-purposed data mining toolkit, which incorporates not only a rich collection of data mining algorithms, but also allows a number of auxiliary operations. To the best of our knowledge, a data mining toolkit designed specifically for itemset extraction and association rule generation like (:coron:) does not exist elsewhere. (:coron:) also provides support for preparing and filtering data, and for interpreting the extracted units of knowledge. (Please check out the (:coron:) HQ too at http://coron.loria.fr.)

Board of Examiners

  • Claude Godart, Professeur, UHP Nancy 1, France (president)
  • Bruno Crémilleux, Professeur, Université de Caen, France (rapporteur)
  • Sergei O. Kuznetsov, Professor, Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russia (rapporteur)
  • Katalin Bognár, Associate professor, University of Debrecen, Hungary (evaluator)
  • Marzena Kryszkiewicz, Associate professor, Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland (evaluator)
  • Amedeo Napoli, Directeur de recherche CNRS, UHP Nancy 1, France (supervisor)


  • Dr. Amedeo NAPOLI, (+33), ⚠ [[hidden-email:ancbyv@ybevn.se]]
  • Dr. Katalin BOGNÁR, (+36) / 22822, ⚠ [[hidden-email:obtane@vas.havqro.uh]]
  • Dr. Sergei O. KUZNETSOV, +7(495)771-3238, ⚠ [[hidden-email:fxhmargfbi@ufr.eh]]
  • Dr. Petko VALTCHEV, (514) 343-7599, ⚠ [[hidden-email:inygpuri@veb.hzbagerny.pn]]

Decision of the Jury

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