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Security tips for wifi routers


See http://compnetworking.about.com/od/wirelesssecurity/tp/wifisecurity.htm .

Here I will describe how I configured my wifi router at home. On July 20, 2010 I bought a TP-LINK router: TL-WR642G.

IP address of the router:

default user/password: admin/admin (change it)

SSID: it'll generate one but change it

Settings on the router

Go to wireless settings. Here enable wireless security.
Security type: WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK
Security option: automatic
Security encryption: automatic
PSK passphrase: <your_password>

Settings on the laptop

To connect to your home network, follow these steps: go to SystemPreferencesNetwork Connections. Choose the tab wireless and select your network by the SSID. If it's not in the list, then specify it explicitly. Then go to the wireless security tab and choose these settings:

security: WPA & WPA2 Personal
password: <your_password>

Your Ubuntu might ask for the root password too.

Securing your network

Switch off the SSID broadcast.

Enable MAC address filtering and specify the MAC addresses of your machines. This way no other machines can connect to your network.

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Page last modified on 2010 July 21, 20:35