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Command-line CD burning


(*) Identifying the burning device

cdrecord -scanbus

(*) Erasing a CD-RW

cdrecord dev=<a,b,c> blank=<x> -v


x -- fast (quick erase) or all (complete erase)

(*) Burning an ISO (.raw) file

cdrecord dev=<a,b,c> [speed=d] -v -data <file.raw>

(*) Creating an image file from the current directory recursively

mkisofs -J -r -o <output.raw> <dir>


-J -- Joliet, i.e. support for long file names
-r -- files will be readable by anyone
<dir> -- which directory to traverse recursively

(*) Making an audio CD from mp3 files

Make your collection of mp3 files. Then:

for i in *.mp3
   mpg123 -s $i | cdrecord dev=<a,b,c> -audio -pad -swab -nofix -
cdrecord dev=<a,b,c> -fix


mpg123 -s -- print to stdout
-swab -- the byte-order of mpg123 must be reversed

Test run:

Add the option -dummy to switch off the laser.


There'll be 2 seconds pause between tracks, since we use TAO (track at once) mode. If you want no pause, you'll need DAO (disk at once) mode. It is best supported by the program cdrdao.

(*) OK, nice, but how to make a mixed CD?

cdrecord dev=<a,b,c> -nofix -v -data <image.raw>
for i in *.mp3
   mpg123 -s $i | cdrecord dev=<a,b,c> -audio -pad -swab -nofix -
cdrecord dev=<a,b,c> -fix

That is, first we write the data image, then we add the audio tracks, and finally the CD is fixed.

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Page last modified on 2007 November 24, 17:25