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Putting HTML in CDATA


I had an XML file that I wanted to modify with a Java API and then tranform it to HTML using an XSL stylesheet. During the XML modification I wanted to add an HREF link in a tag:

Original XML:


Desired result after XML modification #1 (wrong!):

<someTag><a href="...">text</a></someTag>

However, this HTML piece cannot be added like that, so we must put it as a CDATA value:

Desired result after XML modification #2 (good):

<someTag><![CDATA[<a href="...">text</a>]]></someTag>

XSL transformation #1:

Text: <xsl:value-of select="someTag" /><br/>

Output of XSL transformation #1:

Text: &lt;a href="..."&gt;text&lt;/a&gt;

Oups, "<" and ">" are escaped. If this is not what we want (as in my case), we need to say it in the XSL file:

XSL transformation #2:

Text: <xsl:value-of select="someTag" disable-output-escaping="yes"/><br/>

Now the output is OK:

Text: <a href="...">text</a>
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Page last modified on 2010 March 04, 22:42