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Warning! Please be advised that the papers available on this page are made so for the author's convenience. Before downloading any of them, please check that you are not breaching the copyright regulations.

Publications (sorted by categories)

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PhD Thesis / Thèse

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary06t_en]

International Journals /
Revues internationales avec comités de sélection et actes

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary14a]
  2. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary10b]

International Conferences /
Conférences internationales avec comités de sélection et actes

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary12b]
  2. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary11a]
  3. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, etp11]
  4. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary10a]
  5. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, coron-icfca10]
  6. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary09c]
  7. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, jaume09a]
  8. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary08c]
  9. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary08b]
  10. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, lieber08a]
  11. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary07b]
  12. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary07c]
  13. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, mathieu07a]
  14. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, mathieu06]
  15. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary05b]
  16. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary04a]
  17. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary04d]
  18. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary04f]

National (French) Journal / Revue nationale (francophone)

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary04e]

National (French) Conferences /
Conférences francophones avec comités de sélection et actes

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, demorfia10]
  2. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, maumus06]
  3. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary06a]
  4. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, maumus05b]
  5. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary04c]

International Workshop /
Atelier international avec comités de sélection et actes

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary04b]

National (French) Workshop /
Atelier national avec comités de sélection et actes

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, maumus05a]

Research Reports / Rapports de recherche

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary08d_rr]
  2. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary06_exactmrg]
  3. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, maumus05c]
  4. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary05a]

Miscellaneous / Autres

  1. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary06b]
  2. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary05c]
  3. ⚠ bibtexsummary:[biblio_own_en.bib, szathmary02a]
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* PmWiki
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* Scriptorium
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