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Java and Scala


From Java to Scala

"Unlike with many traditional functional languages, Scala allows a gradual, easy migration to a more functional style. You can start to use it as a “Java without semicolons”. Over time, you can progress to gradually eliminate mutable state in your applications, phasing in safe functional composition patterns instead. As Scala programmers we believe that this progression is often a good idea. At the same time, Scala is not opinionated; you can use it with any style you prefer." (source)

Java Interop

"The Scala community is an important part of the Java ecosystem. Popular Scala frameworks, including Akka, Finagle, and the Play web framework include dual APIs for Java and Scala." (source)


"Maybe most important is that programming in Scala tends to be very enjoyable. No boilerplate, rapid iteration, but at the same time the safety of a strong static type system." (source)

Should I learn it?

"If you are a Java programmer, and you want to spend more time with family and friends, you should learn Scala." (comment by Ahmed Althaf)

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