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   - munkaszüneti napok '20
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* C++
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* Clojure
* D lang.
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* Nim
* Scala

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Installation Instructions

  • If you use a lab machine, then log in as "hallgato" (and NOT as "student").
  • Download the virtual machine. The URL will be provided by the instructor.
  • Create the folder ~/VMs and move the downloaded zip file in this folder.
  • Unzip the downloaded file.
  • Create the folder ~/shared and set its permissions to 777 (chmod 777 ~/shared).
  • Add the extracted virtual machine to VirtualBox and start it.

The directory ~/shared is a shared folder between the host and the guest. Using this folder you can move files easily between the host and the guest systems.

Cloud City


Blogjaim, hobbi projektjeim

* The Ubuntu Incident
* Python Adventures
* @GitHub
* heroku
* extra
* haladó Python
* YouTube listák

Debrecen | la France

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Page last modified on 2017 September 28, 00:16