Oktatás * Programozás 2 * Szkriptnyelvek * levelezősök Félévek Linkek * kalendárium |
EnPy /
20120815lSecret message On the attic, among the old books of your father you notice one with the following title: "Fundamentals of Programming". Wow, he never mentioned that he learned such things… As you open the book, a yellow paper falls to your feet with a cryptic message written on it: Bcyp Qml, G fytc y dyrfcpjw ybtgac dmp wms: jcypl rfc Nwrfml npmepykkgle jylesyec! Jmtc, Byb On the other side of the paper you find this: "K → M, O → Q, E → G". What is this? Can you decode the secret message? |
Blogjaim, hobbi projektjeim * The Ubuntu Incident [ edit ] |