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Archive: ITS Python training (January 26-27, 2024)

Date:January 26-27, 2024
Instructors:• Dr. Laszlo Szathmary ( )
 • Palwasha Sadat ( )



Dates are in "" format.

  • [2024.01.27.] The training is over.
  • [2024.01.20.] Course home page (this page) is partially updated.

Who is this course for?

This course is for people who already know the basics of programming. We suppose that you already know a programming language (e.g. C, Java). We also suppose that you are familiar with basic data structures and algorithms. That is, this course is NOT an "Introduction to programming in Python" course.

How to prepare for the course?


Q: Can I use PyCharm?

A: You use whatever text editor / IDE you want. However, we would suggest using VS Code. Once you are familiar with Python and you start working on a bigger project, you can switch to PyCharm. In our opinion, VS Code is better to start with. And don't forget: during the exam you can't use any editor / IDE, i.e. you won't get any help from your IDE. You'll be on your own.


Q: Can I send you an email if I have some questions?

A: Feel free to contact any of us. You can find our email addresses at the top of the page.


Q: Can you share your Python snippets for VS Code?

A: Here it is: link.

What else should you know for the exam?

We'll talk about these during the course.

  • precedence order: (), xy, *, /, +, - (i.e. parentheses, exponentiation, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction)
  • snake_case, camelCase, PascalCase
  • In the Python shell, how to start the interactive help? >>> help()
  • pydoc module; what is it for?
  • Exception handling! There were several questions about it in the exam. Its general form: try…except…else…finally. What is the else branch good for? If you have try and no except but you have finally, is that correct?
  • unittest module. The 3rd-party module pytest is easier to use, but the exam will ask about unittest.
  • datetime module! There were several questions about it! Link: here. This is typically something that we would look up in the documentation. Unfortunately, you'll have to learn it for the exam. Learn the format codes of strftime(). You must also know the function strptime().
  • eval() builtin function (link).
>>> eval("5+2+(3*6)")


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