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Py2018septArchive: 2018/19/1 (September 2018)
Place and Time of Class:
NewsDates are in "yyyy.mm.dd." format.
About the CourseWe will get acquainted with the Python programming language (Python 3). The pre-requisite of the course is the "High Level Programming Languages 1", so I suppose everyone is familiar with the basic concepts of programming. In the lab we will use Linux, more precisely Ubuntu GNU/Linux. If you want, you can bring your own laptop. All we need is a text editor (like GEdit, vim, emacs, etc.). It's up to you which one you use. In your text editor you should set that TAB is automatically changed to 4 spaces. In GEdit you can do that like this: Edit → Preferences, then select the Editor tab. The value of Tab Width should be 4, and select Insert spaces instead of tabs. You can do this setting in every modern text editor. Topics of the Labs / Slides1) 2018.09.11. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-01.pdf
2) 2018.09.25. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-02.pdf
3) 2018.10.02. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-02.pdf
4) 2018.10.09. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-03.pdf
5) 2018.10.16. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-04.pdf
6) 2018.11.06. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-04.pdf
7) 2018.11.13. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-04.pdf
8) 2018.11.20. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-05.pdf
9) 2018.11.27. [yyyy.mm.dd.]
Current slide: python-06.pdf
Course MarkAt the end of the semester you will get a practical course mark. For this, you will have to attend the labs. Max. 3 absences are tolerated. If you are absent more than 3 times, you will automatically fail the course. About being late: if you are a few minutes late, I can tolerate that. If you are late more than 10 minutes, then it'll be considered as a "half absence". If you do this twice, that will be registered as 1 absence. There will be two classroom tests. The first one is on paper, while the second one is on computer. Your mark will be the average of the marks you get on the tests. If this mark is a real number (e.g. 3.5, 4.5, etc.), then I will take into consideration your lab work and homeworks. If someone solved less than 80% of the homeworks, then (s)he will get a worse mark than the average of the two tests. If someone is not satisfied with his/her mark, (s)he will have the possibility to improve (or decline) the final mark in the last week of the semester. In this case, the final mark can be max. one mark better (or worse). The student will have to solve some programming exercises on a computer, and (s)he will have to know the concepts related to the Python programming language. If someone failed both classroom tests, (s)he cannot improve the final mark. Classroom Tests / Exam1st test
2nd classroom test
possibility to improve (or decline) the final mark
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