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2023/24/2 (February 2024)

Course name:Programming 1
Type of the course:Obligatory
Classes/week:2 + 0 + 2
Assessment:Practical mark
Target audience:Business Informatics, BSc
Pre-requisite:INBGA0105 (Introduction to Programming)
Semester:2023/2024/2 (February 2024)
eLearning:(old) new
Instructor:Dr. Laszlo Szathmary
Lecture:Monday 14h-16h, IK-201

Labs (by El Ayari Mehrez):



Dates are in "" format.

  • [2024.02.19.] Course home page (this page) is updated.

About the Course

We will get acquainted with the Python programming language (Python 3). The pre-requisite of the course is the "Introduction to Programming", so I suppose everyone is familiar with some basic concepts (variable, types, function, etc.). In the lab we will use Windows. All we need is a text editor (e.g. Notepad++, VS Code). It's up to you which one you use. In your text editor you should set that TAB is automatically changed to 4 spaces.

The lecture is 50% theory, 50% practice. So bring your laptop to the lecture!

Topics of the Lectures / Slides

1) 2024.02.19. []

  • introduction, history of Python, characteristics of the language
  • using the interactive shell
  • writing and running simple Python scripts

Current slide: prog1-01.pdf

Course Mark


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Page last modified on 2024 February 19, 09:49