R code for book "R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies" Chapter 1: ch-introduction.R Chapter 2: ch-import-export.R Chapter 3: ch-exploration.R Chapter 4: ch-decision-trees.R Chapter 5: ch-regression.R Chapter 6: ch-clustering.R Chapter 7: ch-outlier.R Chapter 8: ch-time-series.R Chapter 9: ch-association.R Chapter 10: ch-text-mining.R Chapter 11: ch-social-network.R Chapter 12: cs-HPI-forecast.R Chapter 13: cs-response-prediction.R Chapter 14: cs-limited-memory.R Contact: Yanchang Zhao Email: yanchang@rdatamining.com Website: http://www.rdatamining.com Group on LinkedIn: http://group.rdatamining.com