from itertools import permutations, chain, combinations import copy def check(square, line): for i in range(len(line)): number = line[i] for j in range(len(square)): if number == square[j][i]: return False return True def all_possible_lines(n, square): for perm in permutations(range(1, n + 1)): if check(square, perm): yield perm def latins(n): return _latins(n, []) def _latins(n, square): if len(square) == n: yield square else: for line in all_possible_lines(n, square): for new_square in _latins(n, square + [line]): yield new_square def print_square(square): for line in square: print(line) def permutations_with_constraints(elements, constraints): # constraints is a list of lists, specifying for each position what can't be there return _permutations_with_contraints([], len(elements), elements, constraints) def _permutations_with_contraints(permutation, needed_length, elements, constraints): if len(permutation) == needed_length: yield permutation else: for element in elements: if element in constraints[len(permutation)]: continue else: new_elements = copy.copy(elements) new_elements.remove(element) for perm in _permutations_with_contraints(permutation + [element], needed_length, new_elements, constraints): yield perm def check_from_column_k_to_line_l(k, l, square, line): # l is exclusive for i in range(len(line)): number = line[i] for j in range(l): if number == square[j][k + i]: return False return True def all_possible_symred_lines(n, lines, square): elements = [i for i in range(1, n + 1) if i not in square[lines]] for perm in permutations_with_constraints(elements, square[lines:]): # if check_from_column_k_to_line_l(lines, lines, square, perm): yield perm def symred_latins(n): square = [] square.append(list(range(1, n + 1))) for i in range(2, n + 1): square.append([i]) return _symred_latins(n, 1, square) def _symred_latins(n, lines, square): if lines == n: yield square else: for line in all_possible_symred_lines(n, lines, square): new_square = copy.deepcopy(square) new_square[lines] += line l_counter = lines + 1 for i in range(l_counter, n): new_square[i].append(line[i - lines]) for result in _symred_latins(n, lines + 1, new_square): yield result def sign(perm): inversion_count = 0 for i in range(len(perm)): element = perm[i] for later_element in perm[i + 1:]: if later_element < element: inversion_count += 1 if inversion_count % 2 == 0: return 1 else: return -1 def transpose(square): return [[square[j][i] for j in range(len(square))] for i in range(len(square[0]))] def parity(square): square_t = transpose(square) p = 1 for i in range(len(square)): p *= sign(square[i]) * sign(square_t[i]) return p def red_latins(n): square = [] square.append(list(range(1, n + 1))) for i in range(2, n + 1): square.append([i]) constraints = copy.deepcopy(square[1:]) return _red_latins(n, 1, square, constraints) def _red_latins(n, lines, square, constraints): if lines == n: yield square else: for line in all_possible_red_lines(n, lines, square, constraints): new_square = copy.deepcopy(square) new_constraints = copy.deepcopy(constraints) new_square[lines] += line for i in range(len(line)): new_constraints[i].append(line[i]) for result in _red_latins(n, lines + 1, new_square, new_constraints): yield result def all_possible_red_lines(n, lines, square, constraints): elements = [i for i in range(1, n + 1)] elements.remove(lines + 1) for perm in permutations_with_constraints(elements, constraints): yield perm def _invert_cycle(cycle): # cycles are tuples, and no 1-length cycles are possible return (cycle[0],) + cycle[1:][::-1] def invert_permutation(permutation): # permutations are given as a list of cycles, the elements are 1,..,n return [_invert_cycle(cycle) for cycle in permutation] def image(element, permutation): for cycle in permutation: try: i = cycle.index(element) return cycle[(i + 1) % len(cycle)] except ValueError: continue def has_cycle_length(n, permutation): for cycle in permutation: if len(cycle) == n: return True return False def _mult_build_cycle(element, permutation1, permutation2): cycle = (element,) last_element = image(image(element, permutation1), permutation2) while last_element != element: cycle += last_element, last_element = image(image(last_element, permutation1), permutation2) return cycle def mult_permutations(permutation1, permutation2): elements = sorted(list(chain.from_iterable(permutation1))) p1_times_p2 = [] while len(elements) != 0: cycle = _mult_build_cycle(elements[0], permutation1, permutation2) p1_times_p2.append(cycle) elements = [element for element in elements if element not in cycle] return p1_times_p2 def _build_cycle(element, perm): # perm is just a list of elements, like the line of a square cycle = (element,) last_element = perm[element - 1] while last_element != element: cycle += last_element, last_element = perm[last_element - 1] return cycle def cycle_notation(perm): # perm is just a list of elements, like the line of a square elements = sorted(perm) cycles = [] while len(elements) != 0: cycle = _build_cycle(elements[0], perm) cycles.append(cycle) elements = [element for element in elements if element not in cycle] return cycles def square_has_3_cycle(square): for line1, line2 in combinations(square[1:], 2): p1 = cycle_notation(line1) p2 = cycle_notation(line2) m = mult_permutations(invert_permutation(p1), p2) if has_cycle_length(3, m): return True return False def has_correct_cycle(i, j, permutation): # permutation has an odd-length cycle that contains both i and j for cycle in permutation: if len(cycle) % 2 == 1 and i in cycle and j in cycle: return True return False def h_condition(square): # checks the H. condition for all line pairs (but not column pairs) for i, j in combinations(range(1, len(square)), 2): p1 = cycle_notation(square[i]) p2 = cycle_notation(square[j]) m = mult_permutations(invert_permutation(p1), p2) if has_correct_cycle(i + 1, j + 1, m): return True return False def h_counterexamples_old(n): counter = 0 for square in red_latins(n): if parity(square) == -1: counter += 1 if counter % 1000 == 0: print("{} odd squares checked".format(counter)) if not h_condition(square) and not h_condition(transpose(square)): print("[{}]".format(counter)) print_square(square) yield square print("Total odd squares checked: {}".format(counter)) def red_latins_not_h(n): # red_latins that fail h_condition square = [] square.append(list(range(1, n + 1))) for i in range(2, n + 1): square.append([i]) constraints = copy.deepcopy(square[1:]) return _red_latins_not_h(n, 1, square, constraints) def _red_latins_not_h(n, lines, square, constraints): if lines >= 3: p2 = cycle_notation(square[lines - 1]) for i in range(1, lines - 1): p1 = cycle_notation(square[i]) m = mult_permutations(invert_permutation(p1), p2) if has_correct_cycle(i + 1, lines, m): return if lines == n: yield square else: for line in all_possible_red_lines(n, lines, square, constraints): new_square = copy.deepcopy(square) new_constraints = copy.deepcopy(constraints) new_square[lines] += line for i in range(len(line)): new_constraints[i].append(line[i]) for result in _red_latins_not_h(n, lines + 1, new_square, new_constraints): yield result def h_counterexamples(n): counter = 0 for square in red_latins_not_h(n): if parity(square) == -1: counter += 1 if counter % 1000 == 0: print("{} bad squares checked".format(counter)) if not h_condition(transpose(square)): print("[{}]".format(counter)) print_square(square) yield square print("Total bad squares checked: {}".format(counter)) def h_lines(square): for i, j in combinations(range(1, len(square)), 2): p1 = cycle_notation(square[i]) p2 = cycle_notation(square[j]) m = mult_permutations(invert_permutation(p1), p2) if has_correct_cycle(i + 1, j + 1, m): return i + 1, j + 1, m def h_lines_gen(square): for i, j in combinations(range(1, len(square)), 2): p1 = cycle_notation(square[i]) p2 = cycle_notation(square[j]) m = mult_permutations(invert_permutation(p1), p2) if has_correct_cycle(i + 1, j + 1, m): yield i + 1, j + 1, m def h_transform(square): h_lines_square = h_lines(square) if h_lines_square is not None: return _h_transform(square, *h_lines_square) else: square_t = transpose(square) h_lines_square_t = h_lines(square_t) if h_lines_square_t is not None: return transpose(_h_transform(square_t, *h_lines_square_t)) def _h_transform(square, i, j, permutation): fix_cycle = None for cycle in permutation: if i in cycle and j in cycle: fix_cycle = cycle break new_square = copy.deepcopy(square) for index in range(0, len(new_square[0])): if new_square[i - 1][index] not in fix_cycle: temp = new_square[i - 1][index] new_square[i - 1][index] = new_square[j - 1][index] new_square[j - 1][index] = temp return new_square def h_images(square): yield from h_images_rows(square) yield from h_images_cols(square) def h_images_rows(square): for i, j, m in h_lines_gen(square): yield _h_transform(square, i, j, m) def h_images_cols(square): square_t = transpose(square) for i, j, m in h_lines_gen(square_t): yield transpose(_h_transform(square_t, i, j, m)) def tuple_square(square): return tuple(tuple(line) for line in square) def _experiment_1(p): # p in {-1,1} images = [] count = 0 no_image = [] for square in red_latins(6): if parity(square) == p: image_found = False for i, j, m in h_lines_gen(square): img = _h_transform(square, i, j, m) if img not in images: image_found = True images.append(img) break if not image_found: square_t = transpose(square) for i, j, m in h_lines_gen(square_t): img = transpose(_h_transform(square_t, i, j, m)) if img not in images: image_found = True images.append(img) break if not image_found: no_image.append(square) count += 1 print("Image not found!") print_square(square) print("-----") print("Images: {}".format(len(images))) print("Not found: {}".format(count)) return images def h_images_orbit_rows(square): return _h_images_orbit(square, h_images_rows) def h_images_orbit_cols(square): return _h_images_orbit(square, h_images_cols) def h_images_orbit(square): return _h_images_orbit(square, h_images) def _h_images_orbit(square, h_img_gen): open = [square] closed = [] while len(open) != 0: current = open[0] for img in h_img_gen(current): if img not in open and img not in closed: open.append(img) closed.append(current) open.remove(current) return closed #for odd squares change parity to -1 mylist = [] counter = 0 for square in red_latins(4): if parity(square) == 1: mylist.append(square) counter +=1 print(square) print(counter)